Thursday, August 1, 2024

Shownotes for Episode 76 (Finale)

Theme                            Enchiridion

Welcome                        148 Barovian Castle

Previously On                 Scott Buckley Legionnaire

Part 1b:                           Tensions Run High by soundridemusic


Combat A                        343 Dungeon Collapse

Combat B                        Good Day to Die by Miguel Johnson


Combat C                       171 Cry Havok

Some  FX:             

Cross Promo Partner: Skit by Runehammer


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Finally finished both seasons ending right as you posted the last episode, and they were an absolute blast to binge while working! This podcast has re-invigorated my imagination in both solo rp and my main game! I cant thank you enough for these wonderful stories and characters.

    My only gripe (which isn't really a gripe) is that I wish some of the season 2 folks had a short epilogue like at the end of season 1.

    Looking forward to seeing more excellent works from you in the future 🙏

    1. Thanks very much, StellarCosmos! The S2 finale turned out to be quite divisive, with some folks unsure of what happened at the end. I did consider such an epilogue, but opted for the 'horror movie' finish as I thought some impact might be lost if I carried it through to what I think is an inevitable conclusion (after the curtain fall, things can really only end one way...)
