I'll take inspiration from anywhere, but fairly often I will get ideas from watching movies. Here's just a few, in no particular order, that inspired 'scenes' in TOTM.
Sunday, June 27, 2021
5 Movies that Have Inspired the Show
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Updated character sheets with INV & Stats for Ep 41
HARL lvl 3
S 15
I 11
W 13
D 7
C 10
Ch 14
L 8
Hp: 21
Plate mail, battleaxe, belt pouch (14gp, 36sp, 88cp), elven waterskin. A whetstone. A leather sack. Iron rations -3
UMURA lvl 4
S 8
I 17
W 9
D 9
C 14
Ch 7
L 10
Hp: 18
Leather boots, layered tunic and leggings, goblin belt pouch (empty) waterskin, silver dagger, shoulderbag (quill, inkpot, hooded lantern, tinderbox, 3 flasks oil, 2 doses of Raphinfel’s serum, ‘angel’ recipe notes, “A Treatise on Theoretical Extra Planar Realities.”, Dermund’s spellbook, her spellbook), Silver necklace with sapphire worth 500gp. A spool of strong thread with both a needle and a fish hook. Owl of Thressendia. Mithridaticum Elixir (1 vial/1dose). Ring of prot +1 (now AC=8) Iron rations-3
GYRIOS lvl 4
S 12
I 12
W 14
D 14
C 15
Ch 8
L 14
HP: 26
Chainmail, flail, backpack, Kagan’s old half-helm, waterskin, good quality beltpouch(2 flasks of oil), good traveling boots, 1 gold holy-symbol-coin, silver shield with engraving, backpack (16 candles, A leather sack, a flint & steel,), boots, belt pouch Iron rations-3
S 12
I 9
W 11
D 14
C 9
Ch 16
L 15
Hp: 14
Prison frock, waterskin, short sword, dagger, short bow and quiver, thieves tools, goblin belt pouch (empty), 50’ rope, Bracers of Defense AC 6. (24 gp, 363sp and 195 cp). 6 expertly made, white-fletched arrows. 20 arrows and a leather quiver. Iron rations-3, whetstone
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
Wandering Encounter Table for ‘The Swamp/Sourtongue’s Bog’
Roll 1d12
1: 1 Pixie (Basic Rules) or good-aligned spirit of
the troll, now released. Might give
some kind of help, treasure or magic item to the party.
2: 1 Willowisp/malevolent spirit, released from
3: 1-2 Giant leeches (Expert Rules)
4: Quicksand. First character in marching order makes a dex
save; 2nd makes a dex save at advantage to avoid. Roll a d4.
This show how quickly they go under.
A 3 or 4 means member can be saved by quickly throwing a rope. 1-2
rounds means they go under right away and a more radical and risky rescue must
be attempted in order to save the player(s)
5: 4 giant toads (Expert Rules)
6: 2-8 Giant centipedes (Basic Rules)
7: Thick Fog.
Party gets lost and walks in circles for a half day, AND, roll d6 again
for another chance to have a wandering encounter.
8: Insect Swarm (Basic Rules)
9: Sourtongue’s lair is
discovered. Determine potential treasure
using Expert Rules.
10: 5-8 Lizard Men (Basic Rules)
11: 3-6 Robber Flies (Basic Rules)
12: A dangerous or carnivorous plant, like the Mantrap
(2nd ed)
*italicized encounters can only
happen once
Monday, June 21, 2021
Shownotes for Episode 41
Theme Evan King - Enchiridion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8NkG3bhIxU
Welcome 148 Barovian Castle https://tabletopaudio.com/
Previously On Scott Buckley -
Legionnaire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwW0vFUCzEM
2 Ivan Duch – Creepyswamp https://www.ivanduch.com/songs/creepy-swamp
Some FX: https://www.zapsplat.com
Saturday, June 12, 2021
Shownotes for Episode 40
Theme Evan King - Enchiridion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8NkG3bhIxU
Welcome 148 Barovian
Castle https://tabletopaudio.com/
Previously On Scott Buckley -
Legionnaire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwW0vFUCzEM
Some FX: https://www.zapsplat.com
Monday, June 7, 2021
"Harl Stonecarver' by Simon Williams
Rounding out the set, a fourth and final portrait by the very talented Simon Williams. Thank you, Simon!
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
Updated Map of Mareth
Note that the scale is a bit off, especially between Burke and Duervar and that the territory to the east is not yet mapped out (the Khaz Mirioth might or might not keep going all the way to the sea, for example).
Tuesday, June 1, 2021
Shownotes for Episode 39
(I will upload a map, as mentioned in the episode, tomorrow)
Theme Evan King - Enchiridion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8NkG3bhIxU
Welcome 148 Barovian
Castle https://tabletopaudio.com/
Previously On Scott Buckley -
Legionnaire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwW0vFUCzEM
Some FX: https://www.zapsplat.com
More artwork
My own artwork can't compare to the art submitted by fans, but since work is so bonkers right now and I don't have much time to write, I thought I'd post a couple of pieces I made as examples to show my digital art class. These are achieved by a combination of hand drawing/paint and photo manipulation. They require more patience and judgement than talent. Anyone can do it. If you want to learn the technique, let me know in the comments.