Sunday, July 21, 2024

SPOILER: Demonic Lich Stat Block

 If you'd like to pull back the curtain and find out what Azorazul really is, highlight the text below.  You should consider this a kind of Spoiler, so if knowing the details takes away from your enjoyment, you should not read this until after the season finale.







SPECIAL ATTACKS: Spells & Innate Powers

SPECIAL DEFENSES: + 1 or better weapon needed to hit


INTELLIGENCE: Supra-genius



A demonic lich is a terrible creature that combines the worst aspects of a powerful demon and the traditional lich. Unlike an actual lich, the demonic lich does not achieve its final form as a result of its own efforts. Instead, they are gifted their powers by a demon lord.

A demonic lich wants, more than anything, to reside in the prime material plane where it can rule mortals as a tyrant, create misery on an enormous scale, and feed on limitless souls.

They accomplish this by possessing a powerful mortal. When they do, they gain the powers of the host, and for this reason, demonic liches prefer to inhabit the bodies of high level warriors or magic users.

In addition to the powers of the host, the demonic lich always has access to the following abilities:

  • Cold touch for 1-10 points of damage

  • Telekinesis up to 300 pounds

  • Clairaudience

  • Infravision

  • ESP

  • Charm Person

  • Suggestion

  • Create Darkness 30' Radius

  • Possession

The following spells or attack forms have no effect on demon liches: charm, sleep, enfeeblement, polymorph, cold, electricity, insanity or death spells/symbols.

Description: A demon lich appears exactly as the person it possesses. In its natural form it appears as a ghostly figure that levitates and floats about, nearly silent. In this form, it is human-like, but with elongated eyes, slits in place of a nose, and small sharp teeth


Azorazul is an ancient being of pure evil whose only purpose and desire is create as much suffering as possible. After possessing the arch mage, Carrick Malmar, it gained access to the following spells (determined in advance by random dice rolls):

4 at First Level

  • Detect Magic, Magic Missile, Read Languages, Sleep

4 at Second Level

  • Phantasmal Force, Wizard Lock, Locate Object, Levitate

3 at Third Level

  • Invisibility 10' Radius, Hold Person, Clairvoyance

3 at Fourth Level

  • Polymorph Other, Improved Invisibility, Wall of Ice

3 at Fifth Level

  • Feeblemind, Hold Monster, Animate Dead

2 at Sixth Level

  • Projected Image, Control Weather

Shownotes for Episode 75

Theme                     Enchiridion

Welcome                 148 Barovian Castle

Previously On Scott Buckley Legionnaire

Part 2b: Argsound: 102 Dark Silence

Part 2c: Vivek Abhishek Horror Theme Creepy Background:                        


Part 2d: Ian Schlom Haunted:

Some  FX:    

Cross Promo Partner: Castle Grief & One Shot in the Snow

Thursday, July 18, 2024

One Shot in the Dark Expansion and Video Announcement

Hey folks,

I wanted to hype the new OSitD expansion by Carbano Creek Press.  You can get it right here:

Also, with OSitD getting so close to achieving platinum sales status, I thought I'd make a Let's Play video.  I must admit that I have a lot to learn about shooting video, editing, ... sound - alright everything - but I think the video gets the job done (even if a little bit of the action ends up out of frame).  I'll get better at this, I promise!

Check it out with this link.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Shownotes for Episode 74

 Theme                              Enchiridion

Welcome                          148 Barovian Castle

Previously On                 Scott Buckley Legionnaire

Combat:                 RPG SOUNDS “Endgame”

Some  FX:                     

Cross Promo Partner: Sidequests & The Redcaps

Monday, July 1, 2024

Shownotes for Episode 73

Theme                              Enchiridion

Welcome                          148 Barovian Castle

Previously On                 Scott Buckley Legionnaire

Combat:                 RPG SOUNDS “Dark Continent”

Some  FX:                     

Cross Promo Partner: Sidequests & Third Floor Wars

Friday, June 21, 2024

Shownotes for Episode 72

 Theme                              Enchiridion

Welcome                          148 Barovian Castle

Previously On                 Scott Buckley Legionnaire

Some  FX:                     

Cross Promo Partner: Errant Adventures & Third Floor Wars

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The No-Rolls Episode

 When I was playing through S2E70, I remember getting to the end of a session and I realized, "Oh no! I haven't rolled any dice!"

Somehow I hadn't even noticed.

Usually my concern is to wrap the episode at a 'good' moment - a cliffhanger or with something else to look forward to - but this time I started wondering if there was a way to get some rolling into the episode and still have it be the correct duration of 25-32 minutes.  I just couldn't find one, so I decided that this time, I wouldn't force it.

The whole point of TOTM is to let dice tell the story, so I was a bit worried I'd strayed too far from the path, but I was also curious: would listeners be bothered? Would they even notice?

I figured I'd take the chance to ask: what's your opinion on this?  Feel free to post any reactions or ideas in the comments below. I'd love to hear what you think.

(For the record, I'm hoping this was a one time thing, or at least something that would only very rarely happen...)