Monday, January 6, 2025

Twelve Days of Kitbash, Part 1

 Happy New Year, everyone - I hope you all had a great rest.  Like last year, I got busy with making and painting minis.  This time around, I knew I wouldn't have as much time to commit, so a few of these projects were at least started earlier in the year and I just finished them up over the hols for this yearly challenge I'm doing.

Here's what I made, how it all went and what I learned:

The biggest piece by far, at 6" tall, is my T-Rex purple dragon.  I scratch built the base, then used some clipped Stegosaurus tail spines as horns, and then wings made of wire and masking tape (this trick gives a good illusion of bone under leathery skin, I think.  All in all: big and fairly impressive and ... I would say... actually to scale.

Next up were 2 Fire Giants made with Aquaman figurines - another toy bash and a simple one.  I scratch built swords and a shield.  I cut off the arms and reposed one of them.  Made green stuff belt buckles.  Easy, the scale is workable, and they look pretty good.

The third batch was something of a repair job.  I took a mould of the one good tail to recreate two that were missing.  I converted flintlock pistols into a crossbow and other weapons. I made a green stuff shield.  Quite successful.

Next, I made 4 mummies.  This was inspired by a post from my buddy Angry Piper, who had shared his recent paint job.  I thought: oh, I'll just wrap toy soldiers in... things.  I experimented and learned something: the best two were done with string or greenstuff.  The worst two (my first) were both done with yarn.  Don't use yarn.  If you like the look of the middle right mummy, that's string and glue.  Centre left is green stuff.  The other two barely look like mummies.  Partial success.

Amazons: This is one I started earlier in the year and it's a mixed bag of Oyumaru recast, green stuff, Acetone Plastic and other bits.  Some of the gals turned out better than others.  Facial details are very hard to get from a recast, it turns out.  These are ... well, they're OK.

More mixed medium here.  Most of these lizard men are toy soldiers with dino heads or plastic snake heads.  A few have recast bodies.  My favorite (the photo isn't great) is the guy with the net.  I made that by soldering wires together and it looks kind of dope!

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